Steve Jamison Author of "A Dog called Buddha". Yoga Teacher.

Books. ADogCalledBuddhaCover

A Dog called Buddha

“No dogs barking. Silence in the valley, not a warbler or a cicada. Two days now of silence and stillness in this gap between the worlds.”

The story of trying to escape a wildfire that rampaged across Portugal in an old Landrover with a pack of rescued dogs. The journey raises the question of what we are doing on Earth, our place in nature and the creatures we share it with, of how we move through the world collectively and individually. There are links to yogic thought on this, particularly the three yoga texts of the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras, the Upanishads as their perennial truths become clear in the journey through the fire.

A Dog called Buddha is published by Blue Poppy in hardback. It  is now also avalable as a paperback, e-book and audio book from Amzon. First edition hardback can still be ordered from Blue Poppy website directly,from Waterstones, Amazon, Arcturus books in Totnes and other independent bookshops.

Order A Dog called Buddha

HARDCOVER ISBN: 978-1-911438-41-0. PUBLISHED MAY 2020


Reviews for A Dog Called Buddha

“There is nothing dry or academic about this book – the actual journey with all its twists and turns is a bit of a thriller, and the reflections on life and yoga along the way always relate to what’s going on at that moment, including practical tips for grounding a physical yoga practice in the everyday. The postures, we are reminded, are simply one of several yoga-based tools for enabling us to live more effectively in the here and now.”
Anne Gibson - British Wheel of Yoga certified teacher
Read the full review here

"Forest fires, stray dogs, psychotropic drugs and hatha yoga. This is a compelling journey across landscapes – both external and interior. Its like Carlos Castaneda turns Dog Whisperer and stumbles on some Gritty Truths."
Terry Macalister - ex energy editor of the Guardian newspaper

“A little book of treasures, delicately spiralling through realms of darkness, wonderment, blessing and love. I couldn’t help but read it again the very next day. Simply beautiful.”

“A beautiful read. This is a gentle, lyrical, but gripping tale of the author’s escape, with his canine companions, from the rampaging fires devouring Portugal’s forests. One man’s story of his love of nature and animals and our deep connection to both.”

“This a remarkable book beautifully written from an unusual, not to say unique perspective. Dogs are beings too, and a natural philosophy of oneness with natural things pervades every page. A gem.”
Robert Bulling


Books. fire approaching

The next book.

How the Templars found and concealed the Holy Grail, which remains buried.



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