Welcome to the website of Steve Jamison.
Yoga moves us to a better place, and as long as we can breathe we can journey there. You don’t have to be anything other than yourself ! Yoga has helped me in a wonderful way and it’s there for all of us, for you.
I'm a senior teacher and trainer for Yoga Alliance, fully accredited teacher with the British Wheel of yoga. I'm concentrating on writing now and offer support for pratitioners on a no fee basis but a donation to the named animal rescue charities is required.
I've been lucky teaching a great variety of people from vetinary surgeons preparing for their day, yoga teachers, busy mums and many more. It's all about finding a way for each one of us to benefit from the benign power of yogic practices & techniques. From experience I've found that small group classes and personalized sessions along with a personal practice is the best way for us to do this. This approach has firm foundations and links directly with the way it was orginally taught. Now I'm concentraing on writing.

A Dog called Buddha is available in hardback and now a paperbck on Amazon.
A Dog called Buddha is the story of how I evacuated my home in the foothills of the Serra de Lousa in Portugal in an old Land Rover with four rescued dogs looking for a refuge as wildfires raged across the country. Yoga practice was a great help during this risky journey, helping me to keep calm and focused. People have loved the book for a number of different reasons, nature, animals, the terrifying reality of wildfires, and yoga of course. There are plenty of reviews on the pblishers websites.
A Dog called Buddha is published by Blue Poppy in hardcover and Amazon in paperback . Please see both publishers for reviews.
More Information
Why Yoga Beetle?
Well, top of the list is nature because we're not separate from it, we are nature too. Sounds obvious, but we do need to experience this as often as possible in our lives. Creatures like beetles illuminate humaniy's place on Earth and how we should tread lightly upon on, we're all connected.
Beetles also persevere - they don't give up and will find another way if their original route is clearly blocked they apply their natural intelligence to the present situation.

Aspects of Yoga
Yoga can help any one of us in our lives and you don't have to practice for hours each day to notice an improvement in your mind and body.
Over the years and teaching for the last fifteen of them I've often noticed less can be more. Focus, the breath and letting go are the real movers we need. This doesn't necessarily mean doing a long practice, and in small groups or one to one we can find a practice which really helps you and works. You might be super bendy and enjoy challenging postures : good, but then what ? Why do we do asanas, what is yoga really about ? Equally you might be stiff as a board or be carrying an injury, have a bad back, a chronic illness flaring up or other physical things going on as most of us do at some point in our lives so a practice of challenging postures is the last thing you'll want or need. Instead you will need to soften and let go, be able to adapt your practice to the moving dynamic which is you, as you are in your present life situation in body, mind and soul. This is taught in the groups and retreats here. We all start from a different place and one size doesn't fit all !
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Suitable donation to Dogs of Portugal and AEZA dog rescue charity.
The Cha Yoga Centre
At Cha stillness in nature helps create a space inside, where we can re-tune ourselves and begin to let go. The Cha Yoga Centre is located in the foothills of the Serra da Lousã, near the river Ceira in the Coimbra region of Portugal. Its avalable for small groups.
Suitable contribution to the above animal charities.